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Auburn Company Salutes a Retiring Member and Welcomes Three Appointees
At its July Board of Directors meeting, R.H. White Companies, a construction services and utility management firm, announced the retirement of long-time board member Joaquim (Joe) S.S. Ribeiro and the appointment of new members, Kenneth J. Richard, David G. Healey, and Kenneth M. Margossian.

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Mr. Ribeiro has stepped down from the board after a notable tenure in which he helped shepherd the bwin casino slotscompany to its current position as one of New England’s largest utility, mechanical, water/wastewater and general building contractors. He sat on the board during a period of tremendous growth; most recently culminating in the construction of the Leonard H. White Training Center. The center is located next to the company’s headquarters at 41 Central Street, Auburn, MA and consists of 14,000 square feet of training, conference and office space.
“For 30 years, Joe rarely missed a board meeting. He has been a passionate supporter of R.H. White Companies and was a close friend of my father’s for more than 40 years. It was my father that convinced Joe that he would be a great addition to our board many year’s ago; and that he was!”, stated David H. White, President and CEO.
Mr. Ribeiro is the former finance and administrative director for the Northfield Mount Hermon School, a private boarding school located in Gill, Massachusetts. Prior to that he was bwin casino reviewa partner in the firm of Financial Engineering Group.

Kenneth Margossian
Mr. Margossian is quite familiar with R.H. White, serving as the company’s Chief Operating Officer for thirteen years prior to his retirement in December 2015. He is also the past President and Chief Operating officer of Commonwealth Gas Company and has held executive leadership positions at EnergyNorth, Bay State Gas and Northern Utilities.
He holds a BS in Industrial Management from Central New England College and is also a graduate of the American Management Association’s Executive Management Program. He is past chairman of the Northeast Gas Association and the Massachusetts Natural Gas Council and has served in various capacities of other professional trade associations throughout his career.

Kenneth Richard
A financial industry veteran, Mr. Richard is the Chief Financial Officer of Standish Mellon Asset Management, a wholly owned bwin casino slotssubsidiary of BNY Mellon Company. He brings a broad range of financial and strategic business planning expertise in capital-intensive businesses.
Mr. Richard, a certified public accountant, holds a BS in Business Administration from Northeastern University and, for the majority of his career, he has served in senior financial management positions for prominent national real estate development, investment and management firms.

David Healey
Mr. Healey is the past President and Chairman of Tighe and Bond, a civil/environmental engineering and consulting firm located in Westfield, MA. He retired from the company in 2006 after 36 years of employment; his last seven of which he served at the helm of the company.
Mr. Healey, a Professional Engineer, received his BS in Civil Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute and an MS in Sanitary Engineering from the University of Maine. He is a past diplomat of the American Academy of Environmental Engineers Bwin casino loginand served as a peer reviewer of the American Council of Engineering Companies. He is currently active with several non-profit organizations serving in director- or trustee-level positions.
“We are fortunate to have Ken, Dave, and Ken as members of our Board of Directors and we look forward to their leadership and oversight as it relates to our strategic initiatives. Their combined experience and knowledge, of the markets we serve, ensure that our continuous improvement processes and our efforts to provide safe, productive and quality work to our clients will remain at the forefront of our corporate mission.”, said Mr. White.

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